The 5th International Symposium of IAODT Caraiman Monastery

With the participation of the Academic Associate of the Volos Academy, and member of the Association, Dr. Nikolaos Asproulis

The Fifth International Symposium of the IAODT, with the theme “Primacy and Primacies in the Church,” took place with the blessing of His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel of the Orthodox Church in Romania at the Caraiman Monastery, in September 25-27, 2016. The Symposium was made possible through th e gracious assistance of the “Justinian the Patriarch” Orthodox Theological Faculty of the University of Bucharest.

The participants of the conference included among others: Prof. Nicolae Mosoiu (Orthodox Theological Faculty of Sibiu, Romania): Considerations on Synodality/Conciliarity and Authority, with Special Reference to Metropolitan Andrei Șaguna of Transylvania, Prof. Michel Stavrou (Orthodox Theological Institut Saint-Serge, France): La primauté universelle dans la communion ecclésiale orthodoxe: héritage superflu ou nécessité? Prof. Ioan Tulcan (Orthodox Theological Faculty of Arad, Romania): Le rapport théologique entre l'Eglise locale et l'Egliseuniversellecomme „clé” de l’ entendement d’ uneautorité supreme dans l’ Eglise. Un approcheorthodoxe, Prof. Ion Popescu (Orthodox Theological Faculty of Craiova, Romania): The Connection between Hierarchical and Universal Priesthood in the Context of the Dialogue on Sacramental and Liturgical Pre-eminence, Prof. Peter Bouteneff (Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, USA): Bishops in Council: Do they Represent the Church? Prof. Nicolae R. Stan (Orthodox Theological Faculty of Craiova, Romania): The Catholicity of the Church in Staniloae’s thought, Prof. Porphyrios Georgi (Saint John of Damascus Institute of Theology, Balamand, Lebanon): The 2007 Ravenna Document and its Echoes in Orthodox Theology, et. al.

Dr. Nikolaos Asproulis (Volos Academy for Theological Studies) presented a paper on the topic: “Totus Christus” or “Corporate personality”? A critical reflection on the identity of the Church based on G. Florovsky’s and J. Zizioulas work.

To read the abstract of Nikolaos Asproulis’ presentation please click here

Event Callendar


TIME FOR ACTION - 4th Season

TIME FOR ACTION - 4th Season

Taking advantage of the possibilities offered by modern communication technology, Volos Academy for Theological Studies organizes for the fourth consecutive Read More
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