Dear friends of the Volos Academy for Theological Studies
With the Great and Holy Council now set to take place this June 16-27, 2016 at the Orthodox Academy in Crete (Greece), and with the preconciliar documents becoming available (in English language soon), OTSA (the Orthodox Theological Society in America) in partnership with the Orthodox Christian Studies Center at Fordham University (New York, USA) is launching an immediate project to facilitate theological reflection and exchange on the issues pertinent to the agenda items of the Council.
In this perspective, OTSA invites proposals from members and others scholars worldwide who would be interested in forming working groups of 4-6 people to submit proposals of 250 words or less focused on the content of one of the seven available preconciliar documents. In addition to describing the particular point(s) or question(s) to be explored, each proposal should state the names of the 4-6 individuals to comprise the working group. Not all individuals need be OTSA members nor reside in North America. Because of the imminence of the Council, proposals for working groups on the pre-conciliar documents are due by 5PM EST on Monday, February 15th.
For detailed information about the procedure of this initiative please read the attached document.