
with the participation of the Director of Volos Academy for Theological Studies

Two theological meetings took place in Finland at the end of last September. Between September 25 and 27, 2024, the Annual Meeting of the Association of Clergy of the Orthodox Church of Finland was held in Joensuu, with the theme "‘I am sending you as sheep in the midst of wolves (Mt. 10:16)’: Orthodoxy in modern society", with the participation of internationally renowned speakers. The meeting was honored by the Metropolitans Arsenios of Kuopio and Karelia and Elia of Oulu and also the Vicar Bishop Sergios of Hamina. The Director of the Volos Academy for Theological Studies, Dr. Pantelis Kalaitzidis, was invited among other distinguished speakers, and spoke on "Orthodox political theology between neo-imperial illusions and contemporary challenges" (see the programme of the Conference here https://tinyurl.com/joensuu24 , in Finnish & some English).

Then, the International Theological Seminar “Liturgical Choreography and Language in the 21st Century” was held at the Cultural Center “Sophia” in Helsinki from September 27 to 28, under the auspices of the retired Metropolitan of Helsinki, Ambrosius. Pantelis Kalaitzidis was the keynote speaker, speaking on the topic “Postsecular religious culture from an Orthodox perspective”. Pantelis Kalaitzidis also presented the work of the Volos Academy, which can form a model for the operation of scholar theological centers (see the programme of the Conference here https://tinyurl.com/helsinkisofia , in English).

Fr Rauno Pietarinen, speaking on the official website of the Orthodox Church of Finland, referred to the work of Volos Academy and the lectures of Pantelis Kalaitzidis. Fr Rauno highlighted the significant changes and updates that took place in Orthodox theology during the 20th century, focusing on the shift of interest from the glorious past and the so-called tradition to the concern for the future and the eschata. The Church is now understood as an image of the forthcoming kingdom of God, especially in the Eucharist, while lots of significance is attributed to social activity, as a part of “a service after the service”. See Fr Rauno's comments at the link https://tinyurl.com/pietarin (in Finnish, with subtitles and automatic translation on YouTube)

Event Callendar

Events Calendar

"Discussions" with ...

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"Discussions" with Metr. Kallistos of Diokleia on care for animals and the environment

Pan-Orthodox Concern for Animals is delighted to announce its first Webinar on the work of Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) of Diokleia, Read More
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