
Online Round Table

Prof. Dr. Christophe Chalamet & Rev. Dr. Dimitrios Bathrellos


Monday, May 13, 2024, 7 p.m.

The next event of the “Time for Action” series will take place on Monday, May 13, 2024, at 7 p.m. Athens time, and it will be a round table on the theme “Synodality and Ecumenical Dialogue in the 21st century”. Speakers include Prof. Dr. Christophe Chalamet (Associate Professor of Theology, University of Geneva, Switzerland) and Rev. Dr. Demetrios Bathrellos (Visiting Professor of Dogmatic Theology, Holy Cross Orthodox School, Boston, MA; Visiting Professor, Institute of Orthodox Christian Studies, Cambridge, UK, Volos Academy BoD member), and the discussion will be moderated by Prof. Dr. Dimitrios Moschos (Professor of Church History, Faculty of Theology, University of Athens, Volos Academy BoD member). The link for attending is https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83036730027 .

Synodality is an important ecclesiological theme for Christian churches, not just in their own life, but also in their ongoing dialogue and quest for a common witness. Synodality is not just part of the essence of church life, and thus also a central dimension of the institutional dimension of the church, it is also a massive challenge for Christians who are still deeply divided, not just across churches, but also within them. We have seen massive setbacks in the last decade: certain events, such as the war in Eastern Europe, have taken us back 100 years, with regard to the role of Christianity in contemporary society and culture. And so reflecting on the significance of synodality in conjunction with ecumenical dialogue remains vital today, for the sake of a more faithful witness to the gospel in the 21 st century.

Dr. Christophe Chalamet teaches systematic theology at the University of Geneva (Switzerland), where he obtained his MA (1997) and PhD (2002). Earlier, he taught at Fordham University (Jesuit University in NYC) from 2003 until 2011. He was raised in the Protestant (Reformed) tradition. He has published a monograph on faith, hope and love, and is about to publish a book on the theme of the Covenant. He is also an amateur musician (piano and oboe).

Rev. Dr. Demetrios Bathrellos lives in Athens, Greece, with his family, where he serves as the priest of a small parish. He studied classics and theology at the University of Athens and systematic theology at King’s College, London. He has taught at several universities in Europe and the US and is currently Visiting Professor at the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies, Cambridge, UK. He is the author of four books and many academic articles in the areas of Patristics and Systematic Theology, especially Christology and Ecclesiology. He is finishing a book on the sinlessness of Christ to be published by Oxford University Press.

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